Monday, July 19, 2010

The evolution of our worship

In a recent article on the Alban Institute website, Graham Standish writes:

"The church has to adapt its worship because our culture doesn't recognize the value of worship when done as it was in generations past. Each generation is different in what it resonates with because over time the culture changes. The result is taht worship rooted in previous generations loses its power to connect with each succeeding generation and leads us to address spiritual questions that are no longer being asked, or at least not being asked in a way that can be addressed in forms familiar to today's older generations."

The full text of his argument is found here:

Take a read of Standish's thoughts for yourself, and let me know what you think.

Evangelism < 30's

The current issue of the Alban Weekly posts an article by Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook entitled "Evangelism and the Under 30 Crowd." I think it is well worth the read, as she raises some of the critical issues revolving around effective ways to build connections with young adults in 2010 (and beyond). Here's the link:

What are ways you have found to actively and authentically engage young adults in your community?